I often work in collaboration with this stellar woman and her company PICCO PRESS.
When I build a website for a client, I am regularly also asked for Social Media Management services.
If the companies budget and goals are on the larger scale, I always refer them to my amazing friend and collab partner Kat Flannery. Her skills are dynamic and her knowledge is ten-fold .
Kat has been in the industry for over 15 years as a well sought after author as well as also top notch marketing agent and business women. She is extremely valuable to any company she works with.
PLUS having her on social media management and myself on website design updates... the two of us BEcome a dynamic pair for any company's growth and success.
Please take a look at some of the social media accounts Kat manages and whom I build/update websites for. We work in collaboration with each other for these clients (in terms of website evolution and socials strategy) and their growing needs and goals.